FAQ: Reporting "Dangerous Drivers"
What do you do when you see a dangerous driver? Legally, there is no obligation to report someone who is driving dangerously. Although it...

Charley Gee ranked among "Best Personal Injury Lawyers in Portland"
Charley Gee P.C. is proud to announce that Charley Gee has been recognized as one of the best personal injury lawyers in Portland by...

FAQ: Medically Unsafe Drivers
Health issues due to injury, illness and general aging can lead to changes in a person's ability to drive. Oregon, like most states, has...

KPTV - Behind the Wheel: Dangers on coastal highways
From KPTV: "The Oregon Coast is always a top tourist destination. Unfortunately, getting there on any of the highways can be extremely...

Slate: Self-Driving Cars are Still Struggling to Detect Cyclists and Pedestrians
Slate.com has a breakdown of the continuing failures of self-driving autonomous cars to detect the most vulnerable roadway users. Charley...

Charley Gee P.C. Expands to Washington State
We are pleased to announce that attorney Charley Gee has been admitted to the Washington State Bar. Charley remains committed to...

Help! I was sued in Oregon for a personal injury case!
Despite the fact that I only represent people who have been injured against insurance companies and corporations, I still occasionally...
It's not just doctors that make house calls...
Last week I wrote about why it is important to ask your personal injury attorney how many cases they are currently working on. Many...
Charley Gee is now a Lead Counsel rated attorney
We are pleased to announce that Charley Gee has been named a Lead Counsel rated attorney by Thomson Reuters in the area of personal...

Questions to ask a personal injury attorney before hiring them
If you have been injured and are looking to hire a personal injury attorney, you are faced with hundreds of lawyers claiming to practice...