Streetsblog USA: Distracting Roadside Safety Billboards May Cause 17K Crashes A Year reports on the troubling findings of a recent study on dynamic billboards. The study, which was published in the...
FAQ: Reporting "Dangerous Drivers"
What do you do when you see a dangerous driver? Legally, there is no obligation to report someone who is driving dangerously. Although it...
OPB: City of Portland will soon be the new owner of 82nd Avenue, with improvements to follow reports on the transfer of control of 82nd Avenue in Portland, Oregon. Key quote: The city will take control of the so-called...
TND: Tesla driver says car computer froze, had him stuck going over 80 mph on freeway reports on a troubling incident involving a Tesla. An owner of one of Tesla's Model 3 cars reportedly says he was in...
Vox: Stop calling them “accidents” has an interview with Jessie Singer, author of the new book There Are No Accidents. ... Singer argues that basically everything...
abc6: Survey - People feel driving is more dangerous than before pandemic reports on a survey from Nationwide Mutual Insurance "In March, the Columbus-based company commissioned a national...
Streetsblog USA: 3/4 of Licensed Drivers Used a Mobile Device While Driving, New Survey Finds reports on the disturbing results of a new survey: "A whopping 70 percent of drivers used their cellphones while... Family of Salem woman killed by suspected drunk driver want more charges reports on an infuriating story from Salem: "She might have to pay a fine — if they can collect it. She might have to go to some...
WCCB Charlotte: Survey: 85% Of People Think Their Driving Is “Very Good” Or “Excellent”
Morgan Fogarty reports for WCCB Charlotte on a recent survey of drivers. "85 percent of people surveyed rated their driving as excellent...
FAQ: Medically Unsafe Drivers
Health issues due to injury, illness and general aging can lead to changes in a person's ability to drive. Oregon, like most states, has...