FAQ: Medically Unsafe Drivers
Health issues due to injury, illness and general aging can lead to changes in a person's ability to drive. Oregon, like most states, has a process to report a driver you know to be unsafe due to specific medical concerns. However, despite the dangers that medically unsafe drivers pose to others using the roadway, the process is quite onerous and provides considerable protection to drivers.

How do I report an unsafe driver?
Anyone can report a driver to the Oregon DMV by completing the Driver Evaluation Request Form
What information has to submitted?
The driver's name, address, driver license number, date of birth, and the behaviors that are causing unsafe driving. Below are possible dangerous driver behaviors that can be reported to the DMV:

Can I report someone as an unsafe driver based on their age or general concerns?
No. If you submit a request based only on someone's age or a general diagnosis it will be disregarded. You must report the behaviors that you consider to be unsafe driving.
Can I stay anonymous when reporting a driver?
No, you must provide your information and signature on the form and that form then becomes available to the driver though requests for information.
Who is required to report unsafe drivers?
Most health care providers are required by Oregon law to report any person, including their patients, if they development an impairment that could affect their driving by using the Mandatory Impairment Referral Form.
Resources and Additional Reading:
If you are concerned about a medically impaired driver, a driver fitness assessment can be performed by a licensed professional.
For Portland residents, Legacy Emanuel offers driving assessments at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center and Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center.
This booklet prepared by the Medically At-Risk Driver Centre (MARD) discusses common myths about senior drivers. It provides practical tips and advice on discussing driving cessation and how to help manage risks.
The National Highway Safety Administration has prepared this video, which provides a brief overview of seven medical conditions that can impact a person's driving abilities.